Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga【電子書籍】[ George King ]

Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga【電子書籍】[ George King ] Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga【電子書籍】[ George King ] Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga【電子書籍】[ George King ]

<p><strong>Contact Your Higher Self through Yoga</strong> is a book on pranayama or mystic yoga breathing. This powerful way to accelerate our spiritual growth towards enlightenment is one of the traditional cornerstones of yoga.</p> <p>The system contained within this book is a simple to learn, perfectly balanced and complete set of breathing practices, perfect for the beginner or advanced practitioner.</p> <p>An accomplished yoga master, Dr George King, put this system together after countless hours and many years of personal practice which proved their power. To further enhance their benefit, he carefully added mystic mental affirmations.</p> <p>Yoga breathing has very positive effects on all aspects of our physical, mental and spiritual health. It increases our vital energy, healing and psychic abilities, concentration, mental and emotional harmony, and helps in reducing stress.</p> <p>Yoga breathing is a complete practice for everyone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:480円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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